HP 2y PW Nbd OJ Prox476/x576 MFP HW Supp

HP 2 year PostWarranty NextBusinessDay OfficejetPro x476/x576 MultiFunction Printer Hardware Support

Trade Prices

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Westcoast HP 2Y PW NBD OJ PROX476/X576 MFP HW U1XS1PE Register free see stock

Reasons To Buy

We’ll be there the next business day<sup>[1]</sup>

Our experts are ready when you need you help. In-person repairs, parts, and service will arrive at your door the very next business day.<sup>[1]</sup>

Support you can count on

Know that your hardware will be up and running as soon as possible thanks to our knowledgeable expertise and efficient service and support.

Help is on the line – or at your door

Our support specialists are always ready to assist in whatever way the situation calls for, whether it’s remotely over the phone or in person.


HP Care Pack Services offer upgraded service levels to enhance your warranty cover for your total peace of mind and help you to stay up and running.


Number of years2 year(s)
Next Business Day (NBD)Yes
On-site supportYes
CompatibilityOfficejetPro x476/x576 MFP